Interpretation – Tannery Field Underpass

To further improve the welcoming feel of the Westgate Parks I wrote a bid for the Friends of Westgate Parks for additional funding to improve both sides of the Tannery Field underpass.
My colleague Lauren Baker presented our proposal to members of the Canterbury Area Member Panel, we were successful, and work commenced in April 2017.
As a key entrance to the Park and with significant visitor feedback reporting many people felt unsafe walking through it, we once again recruited a community artist and a team of volunteers from across the Canterbury District to join us in designing and painting this community space.
We sought permissions from Kent County Council and put together method statements and risk assessments and ensured everyone was briefed about the project over a cup of tea or coffee.
The underpass is now bright and welcoming with new lighting, and rather than just a through route to enter the park, it has become a feature, especially when the artwork on the walls reflects into the water of the Great Stour River.